
Welcome to Redefining Minds Mobile Services PLLC.  We are excited to begin our first year of private practice counseling.  We have experienced counselors and staff, who have been in the human services and counseling field for many years.  Our company’s president, Elaijia Eaton has been practicing counseling since 2018 while adding additional licenses before becoming a fully licensed Licensed Professional Counselor in 2021.  At Redefining Minds Mobile Services PLLC, we offer clients the opportunity to be themselves in the space and have an extra set of lenses to assist the clients with navigating discord and interruptions.  At Redefining Minds Mobile Services, we hold a vision of seeing clients better than we found them.  The vision isn’t 20/20 (that wasn’t the best year), but the vision is sorted through in the navigation process to allow clients to readjust their lenses. 

Some industries Elaijia has worked in were state and human service fields, such as Children Protective Services (Family Based Safety Services), Service Coordination, Home and Community-Based Services, drug, and alcohol rehabilitation treatment, and some preservation-based real estate work.  An interesting fact about the work is that Elaijia has been in preservation services since “2014,” when she began at Texas Department of Family and Protective Services serving in a less traditional CPS role.  Elaijia worked as a Family-Based Safety Services Worker as a preservationist to preserve families under the Family-Based Safety Services Program.  In this role, Elaijia’s mission was to remove fewer to no children from their families to preserve families.  Throughout all Elaijia’s years of service with the department, Elaijia removed one group of children.  Elaijia often wondered about the successful growth and transitions of families she serviced, thereby going on to be a counselor to help others in disparate positions.  Elaijia’s journey didn’t end there, as she has been preserving homes in local communities.    ​

We offer programs in hopes of getting more people into care where there is accessibility.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Schedule a free 5-10 minute consultation to see if we’re a good fit.


Balance is not a destination, but a constant journey. You might feel out of balance from time to time, and that’s okay.

Be careful about approaching it with a perfectionist mentality. Consider embracing the medium.  Expectations can lead to a loss of balance.  High-wired artists make progress in steps.  Hence, when they fall, they’re no longer perfect. Then, the true understanding of balance has been demonstrated through action.  The focus is now on moving forward.
